Xiaomi Device IMEI/SN x YouTube Premium

Xiaomi users purchasing eligible products before Jul 31, 2024 can redeem 3 months of YouTube Premium membership from the mi.com (official Xiaomi website) IMEI redemption page.

YouTube Premium provides a new way to experience YouTube. Now you can watch videos ad-free, keep them playing in the background, and download them to watch anytime, anywhere. You even get premium access to YouTube Music, a dedicated music app with over 100 million songs ad-free, offline, and in the background. With YouTube Premium, there’s nothing stopping you from playing your favorites.

Eligible Xiaomi products for SN/IMEI redemption include:

Participate in the Xiaomi campaign to redeem your YouTube Premium membership.

United Kingdom: https://bit.ly/imei-uk

Spain: https://bit.ly/imei-es

France: https://bit.ly/imei-fr

Germany: https://bit.ly/imei-de

Taiwan: https://bit.ly/imei-tw

Hong Kong: https://bit.ly/imei-hk