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FAQs: Extended Warranty For Smartphones

FAQs ( Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. What is not covered under Extended Warranty?
    The Mi Extended Warranty does not cover products which have been misused, tampered with, modified or damaged as a result of accident, liquid, grit, impact, lack of proper care and maintenance as indicated in the manual of operation. Accessories are not covered unless otherwise specified in the Mi Extended Warranty agreement. Accessories include, but are not limited to, external flashes, data backup (which are not built into the equipment), batteries, AC adapters or other external cords, media, and software. The complete list of exclusions can be found in the detailed Mi Extended Warranty.

  2. Is Mi Extended Warranty plan transferable and renewable?
    No, the Mi Extended Warranty is non-transferable and non-renewable at this point in time.

  3. Is Accidental damage covered in this policy?
    Accidental and Liquid damage are not covered as per the terms of Mi Extended Warranty plan.

  4. Where can I buy Mi Extended Warranty plan?
    Mi Extended Warranty plans are sold through mi.com. If you missed to buy it at the time of device purchase, you can still purchase it via mi.com or from one of our field service engineers.

  5. How long after my product purchase date can I purchase the plan?
    Extended Warranty plans can be bought from mi.com up to 270 days after delivery and from service centers up to 9 months after delivery.

  6. How will the plan get activated?
    The plan will be auto-activated and you will get a Welcome mail by Oneassist after the plan activation process is completed.

  7. Can I cancel the plan after purchasing it?
    No, you cannot cancel your Mi Extended Warranty plan until you cancel the order of appliances.

Claim Related Queries

  1. What should I do if my product stops working?
    It’s simple. Please refer to the Mi Extended Warranty T&Cs of your plan and check whether the issue you are facing is covered under this agreement. If it is, call on 1800-123-3330 and the customer executive will guide you how to raise a claim.

  2. Can I raise a claim through Mi Extended Warranty when the product is under manufacturer’s warranty?
    Mi Extended Warranty services can be availed only during the period in which your extended warranty plan is live. You would receive these details in the welcome email which shall be sent to you post activation. Any problem during the manufacturer’s warranty, request you to kindly contact the Mi service center or helpline.

  3. How do I claim the Mi Extended Warranty plan?
    If you experience any issues with your device, intimate OneAssist by calling on 1800-123-3330 within 7 calendar days of its occurrence. File a claim using OneAssist Mobile App(s) or by logging onto the OneAssist website (www.oneassist.in). Fill in the required details detailing the issue that you are facing. You must also upload a copy of the purchase invoice of your device. A verified Service Expert visits you as per your chosen time and your device is repaired at no cost to you.

  4. What does the at-Home Repair Service include?
    Exactly that! The at-home service means a qualified technician will repair the product at your place. The responsibility is on us to perform repairs safely and conveniently. We will also help to un-install and then re-install your product if it is mounted on your wall. In case, the product can only be repaired at the service center, we will arrange for the transportation from your premise and back at no cost to you.

  5. What are the top six reasons a repair/claim is denied?
    a. Unauthorized personnel attempted to repair the product.
    b. Claim is not intimated within 7 days of the problem occurring.
    c. Product is repaired prior to receiving authorization from us.
    d. Required documents are not provided.
    e. Any misuse of product like use for commercial purposes.
    f. Reason for product failure excluded in the coverage as mentioned in Terms & Conditions.

  6. What do I have to pay for the repairs? Nothing at all for the repairs which are covered as in the Extended Warranty terms and conditions. For any repairs which are falling in exclusion of the conditions specified, you will have to pay as per the standard rate applicable.

  7. What happens if the product cannot be repaired or the repair exceeds the unit’s value? If the unit is not repairable for any reason as per the coverage, or the cost of repairing the unit exceeds the unit’s current market value; we may offer to replace your product or make a monetary settlement reflecting the prevailing market value of your product post depreciation applicable. The prevailing market value will be the cheapest price available as determined solely by us. e.g. let’s assume that you bought a device originally for ₹ 22,999 for which we are going to provide a replacement. If the product is now available for sale at ₹ 22,000, then the prevailing market value for your product will not be higher than ₹ 22,000. The settlement amount will be calculated by applying depreciation on ₹ 22000 as per the age of your product in this case. If a replacement (either by way of replacement product or a monetary settlement) is made, there will no longer be coverage under the contract and all obligations will be deemed satisfied. Please refer the T&C for more details.

    8 . What is the depreciation rate that is applied? Depreciation will be applied on the Sum Insured as follows:

    1st year of Extended Warranty : 15%
    2nd year of Extended Warranty :30%

    If we compensate you as above, all our obligations under this contract will be deemed fulfilled and there will no longer be any coverage under the plan.